Rehearsal Dinners – What They Are And How To Plan Them Successfully.
A rehearsal dinner is a traditional pre-wedding ceremony, typically popular in the United States, usually held after the wedding rehearsal and the night before the wedding ceremony.
The guests generally include the married-to-be couple and others who form the wedding party. The rehearsal dinner costs are traditionally incurred by the groom’s parents. However, modern traditions allow for either the bride’s or the groom’s parents to incur these costs.
The purpose of the rehearsal dinner is for the relatives and friends of the bride and groom to meet and have a good time. The couple generally takes this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped with the wedding preparations. Activities generally include toasting and the presentation of small gifts for those who have helped plan the wedding.

Planning a rehearsal dinner? Here are the 5 tips for making the most out of them.
Deciding who will host
Hosting really means paying. Traditionally, the groom’s parents take care of the rehearsal dinner, but these days, anything goes.
Picking a unique location
Picking a favorite restaurant or doing it at home really comes down to the sentimental value that the location has for the couple and where they will feel most comfortable.
Create the guest list
Close family only or a wide group of people? If you end up with a long list of people to include, consider serving only cocktails and hors d’oeuvres or desserts as opposed to a full meal to keep the cost down and the party flowing.
Plan out your menu
Wherever you plan on hosting the rehearsal dinner ensure that you get your menu selected away early on in the planning stages.
Give gifts to the wedding party
You should show your appreciation for the wedding party and the time they all took to help you out with your wedding by presenting them with gifts.